Heal Your Heart – Intensive Workshop

When you met him, it was like a bolt of lightning hit your soul. The chemistry, the kismet connection turned your world inside out. You began to feel things you didn’t know possible. Until one day, he left, turning your world upside down taking a piece of your heart, and parts of your soul with him. You want to know how to put the pieces of your life back together again, with him, or without him.

The Soulmate and Twin Flame connection is impossible to describe to someone who hasn’t gone through it. Five years ago I met my Twin Flame and for the first time I knew what those clandestine time-traveling-love-stories were all about. This was a LOVE that I KNEW existed on many different planes before, between and beyond this lifetime. And when he left, a part of my life left too. I’ll never forget the night that it finally sunk in that he was gone. I collapsed to the ground with the most heart-wrenching guttural howl bellowing through my body. I cried what felt like my soul in salt-water. I could no longer connect to my Guides. My meditations were silent and without answers. My intuition went off-kilter. The souls of our un-born babies, which were waiting near my uterus for the moment to implant, aborted (and mourning their departure was almost as hard as mourning him leaving my life. It took two years, 3 past life regressions, Cosmic Tie Cutting, an emotional funeral, and 8 months in Latin America to get over him. I will help you get over yours in ONE DAY!

  1. Do you have a pattern of Self-Abusing through relationships?
  2. Making the same “Mistake” over & over repeating the same pattern
  3. Holding on to past lovers who have broken your heart?
  4. Know there is someone out there for you but you don’t know where or how you’ll meet them?
  5. Suffering from unhealed heart break?
  6. Do you have negative self talk in your mind which continues to destroy your self esteem?
  7. Do you feel unworthy of the life of your dreams?
  8. Are you super-sensitive to criticism?
  9. Do you have Fear of Abandonment?
  10. Did you have poor examples of loving relationships growing up?
  11. Did you suffere trauma growing up?
  12. Do you want to break the pattern & love yourself deeply & attract a person who will love you deeply too?


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Soul Love is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, and you know it immediately when you encounter it. And after it, you are forever changed. There is a familiar “knowing” of the soul. Like you SEE him, and you really feel SEEN. And you KNEW him, before you even “met” him. (And there is more to that than you realize). There is something so familiar about your Soul Love that you know upon meeting that he will change your life. You feel a soul connection and parts of your soul were ignited like never before. There’s all type of psychic energies all around you. You meet knew Guides you never knew before. Suddenly stars & astrology starts making sense. And many seeming “coincidences” fall into alignment. However, one day, without much warning, he left your life. Your world fell apart. Everything which was amazing and beautiful, now seems dull & lackluster. You just can’t imagine that things are right in the world if you two are not together. Your souls still feel connected, yet he isn’t in your life. Why? You still see this person in your life path and are trying to reconcile how they could leave while your planetary alignment, psychics, and cards say you’re supposed to be together? You’re having a hard time dealing with the loss and are looking for ways to get him back, hold space for him until he returns, or move on if its in your best interest.

No matter how much you consciously know the union was not at the right time in this lifetime’s timeline, you just can’t seem to get over him. You feel inexplicably consumed. When you two separated you felt physical pain, like literally a piece of your heart was wounded… and it just didn’t seem right that the world would continue spinning and you two not be together. Something feels out of place with this “reality” without him.

Let me help.

Life Coach, Certified Master Hypnotist trained in the Brian Weiss method of Past Life Regression, and the Kappasinian method of Hypnotherapy & Behaviorism. With special emphasis on NLP and Imagery Journeys

If I would have known 5 years ago, what I know now I wouldn’t have needed 8 Months backpacking through Latin America, hitting rock bottom and becoming homeless. I would have done the intensive focused work I’m going to show you in this workshop to re-write my life script, get answer and gain control. I felt guided by Spirit to do this workshop because YOU NEED IT. And I am a vessel through which Source pours all the knowledge and healing available onto you


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You have most likely lived many lifetimes with this person and you two met up in this life for some unfinished business — but is the business finished? Will they come back? Should you hold space? What should you do?

A Past Life Regression will help answer questions you’ve been longing to know – See the Lives you have lived with this love, or one special lifetime with unfinished business, see if you two met in this life to right the wrong, complete the karma, or if there’s some clandestine thing you need to do to get things in alignment in this life. Find direction. Search your Akashic Record for answers specially tailored for you.


  • Strong Hypnosis to break the Cosmic latches of old lovers on your soul
  • Cleaning, Clearing and balancing your 7 chakras
  • Attuning your Auric field and raising your vibration
  • Physical ritual with use of NLP to clear attachment to old lovers

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Take this special journey of Past Life Regression to answer questions you have been aching to know. Find out what your relationship was in a past life and what they came into this life to teach you, share with you, or learn from you.

  1. Why did you meet in this life?
  2. Why now?
  3. Why did they leave?
  4. Are they coming back
  5. If not, how do you alleviate the pain?
  6. Is the karma complete?
  7. What, if anything can you do to get them back?
  8. Is there somebody better coming?
  9. How do you bring them forward?

During this 8 hour immersive event you will be

Doing intensive, deep hypnosis to travel to your past lives and get answers to who/ what / why this person came into your life at this time and what unfinished purpose still exists? If the purpose in this life is complete you will learn how to cut the cosmic ties to help you continue with a fulfilling life with your future life path partner.

  • Past Life Regression
  • Inner Child Work
  • NLP
  • Hypnosis
  • Astral Traveling
  • Akashic Record Reading
  • Heart Healing
  • Cosmic Tie Cutting
  • Soulmate Manifesting
  • Life-Path Re-writing
  • Connection to Guide/s
  • Changing the Past
  • New Moon Ritual
  • New Moon Manifesting


  1. Get answers
  2. Receive closure
  3. Understand your past
  4. Changer your past
  5. Access your future
  6. Tap into your divine wisdom
  7. Answer questions from your soul
  8. Heal your broken heart
  9. Gain deeper insight into who you truly are
  10. Release the hooks of past loves
  11. Fortify your self love
  12. Manifest the love of your dreams


Harness the powerful manifesting and healing energies of the New Moon which begins on August 20th 2017. We will work into sunset to super-charge your change during the New Moon cycle to heal the past & manifest the life of your dreams. We’re doing intense clearing & healing. The New Moon is a magical time of the calendar month where the moon is birthing anew and with it the super-charged forces sent between us and the moon to assist in our journey.



  • Past Life Regression
  • Inner Child Work
  • NLP
  • Hypnosis
  • Astral Traveling
  • Akashic Record Reading
  • Heart Healing
  • Cosmic Tie Cutting
  • Soulmate Manifesting
  • Life-Path Re-writing
  • Connection to Guide/s
  • Changing the Past
  • New Moon Ritual
  • New Moon Manifesting

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  •  Comfortable White Clothing from Natural Fibers (ie: cotton/linen)
  • Prepare to be barefoot
  • A crystal / stone / gem (etc) to wear over your 3rd eye
  • Yoga Mat
  • New Journal specifically for this journey
  • A Pen you love to write with
  • A photograph of your love/lovers you are letting go of. (printed on paper)
  • Any crystals which will assist you in your journey.
  • A crown: ie fabric to wrap your head. Natural fibers, or flowers

Be sure to cleanse & charge your crystals at least 24 hours before event. Have your 3rd eye crystal mounted and ready to wear. I will be wearing Moldavite. Go to your local gem store and feel which gem calls you



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