
BW Dying for Deadly D*ck! Conjugal Visits Gone WRONG!

Convo w/Ex Convict Bitter FWB "Left Him" While in Prison

Call-in Convo w/Ex Convict Bitter FWB "Left Him" While in Prison

Love is Blind Habibi: Call in Show 323-488-3149

Dr. FUBAR or Hoerace the Hotep Vote in Comments

THIS is your Sign to Get That Second Opinion

Are Fathers Important or Nah… Becauseee?

FULL Dr. Umar Breakdown by Lenon Honor #WatchParty

Beware Hungry Hobosexual "Humility" Strategy: Manipulation 202

UPDATE: Dr. Umar Johnson Disses Daughter: Typical Deadbeat Daddy Responds?

Dr. Umar Johnson Daughter CRASHING OUT Online #TriggerWarning Hollering

Dr. Umar Johnson is a DEADBEAT DAD? Allegedly Biological Daughter Exposes HIM on TikTok??

Pt3 "Thirsty Throat Spray" Gir's YRN Exposed as Scammer/Thief?

Pt2 "Thirsty Throat Spray" Girl Risks It All for YRN Eggplant in ATL???

Desperate "Throat Spray" Girl Risks It All for YN Eggplant in ATL??? pt 1

Does it TRULY benefit a Woman to “Have the Hots” for a Man?

Yes, There are Abusive Men Trying to “Humble” “Better Women”

Which Relationships Do Better? Women MORE ATTRACTED to the Man or MAN More Attracted to The WOMAN?

The problem w/ being "Low Maintenance" is The Bar is On The Ground
This thought came to me last wee

Alleged "Wife" Denounces Valentines