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*Stop depending on Youtube & Facebook Fickle notification & subscription service
*BONUS: Notifications & Links for secret broadcasts (off of youtube or facebook)

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* NEW VIDEO Text direct to your phone (US & Canada)
* Direct Youtube Link
* Whenever I go live or upload a video.
* Always be ON TIME!
* Never miss another video.
*Stop depending on Youtube & Facebook Fickle notification & subscription service
*BONUS: Notifications & Links for secret broadcasts (off of youtube or facebook)

- * Same Perks as Domestic text service but for international numbers (ie Europe Asia Africa Etc)
* International Mobile text in 231 Countries
* Text Mssg when I go Live or Publish a Video
(For INTERNATIONAL Mobile Numbers CLICK HERE for full country list)
* Vote on upcoming topics from platinum members
* Added to Newsletter

- * Save 20% (for yearly plan)
* Same Perks as Domestic text service but for international numbers
* International Mobile text in 231 Countries
* Text Mssg when I go Live or Publish a Video
(For INTERNATIONAL Mobile Numbers CLICK HERE for full country list)
* Vote on upcoming topics from platinum members
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- * Priority Email to Submit Topics
* Submit letters for Advice

- * Save 20% (for yearly plan)
* Priority Email to Submit Topics
* Submit letters for Advice
* Total $50 Voucher for Courses and MP3s

- * Everything from Gold +
* Special Phone number to call in during show
* Submit Topics for Broadcasts
* First to Receive Invites (Vitamin E / In-person Shows / Surveys)

- * Save 20% (for yearly plan)
* Everything from Gold +
* Special Phone number to call in during show
* Submit Topics for Broadcasts
* First to Receive Invites (Vitamin E / In-person Shows / Surveys)
* Total $100 voucher for Courses and MP3s

- One-Time Payment
(Give what you choose)

- One-Time Payment
(Give what you choose)
Goddess Off the Grid is an independent podcast funded by you. GOTG is an extension from my youtube videos where the algorithm preferred short-form viral-videos. On the podcast we get to DIVE DEEP into educating and unpacking the topics YOU Choose.
Goddess Off the Grid is all about unplugging from the Matrix… and there are many matrices inside of each of us:
- Financial | Spiritual | Physical | Mental | Subconscious | Psychological
- And much more
We discuss popular news stories related to relationships and society. Leveling-up, Living your BEST Life, and rewriting your subconscious script for love, abundance and success.

- * NEW VIDEO Text direct to your phone (US & Canada)
* Direct Youtube Link
* Whenever I go live or upload a video.
* Always be ON TIME!
* Never miss another video.
*Stop depending on Youtube & Facebook Fickle notification & subscription service
*BONUS: Notifications & Links for secret broadcasts (off of youtube or facebook)

- * Save 10% (for yearly plan)
* NEW VIDEO Text direct to your phone (US & Canada)
* Direct Youtube Link
* Whenever I go live or upload a video.
* Always be ON TIME!
* Never miss another video.
*Stop depending on Youtube & Facebook Fickle notification & subscription service
*BONUS: Notifications & Links for secret broadcasts (off of youtube or facebook)

- * Same Perks as Domestic text service but for international numbers (ie Europe Asia Africa Etc)
* International Mobile text in 231 Countries
* Text Mssg when I go Live or Publish a Video
(For INTERNATIONAL Mobile Numbers CLICK HERE for full country list)
* Vote on upcoming topics from platinum members
* Added to Newsletter

- * Save 20% (for yearly plan)
* Same Perks as Domestic text service but for international numbers
* International Mobile text in 231 Countries
* Text Mssg when I go Live or Publish a Video
(For INTERNATIONAL Mobile Numbers CLICK HERE for full country list)
* Vote on upcoming topics from platinum members
* Added to Newsletter

- * Priority Email to Submit Topics
* Submit letters for Advice

- * Save 20% (for yearly plan)
* Priority Email to Submit Topics
* Submit letters for Advice
* Total $50 Voucher for Courses and MP3s

- * Everything from Gold +
* Special Phone number to call in during show
* Submit Topics for Broadcasts
* First to Receive Invites (Vitamin E / In-person Shows / Surveys)

- * Save 20% (for yearly plan)
* Everything from Gold +
* Special Phone number to call in during show
* Submit Topics for Broadcasts
* First to Receive Invites (Vitamin E / In-person Shows / Surveys)
* Total $100 voucher for Courses and MP3s

- One-Time Payment
(Give what you choose)

- One-Time Payment
(Give what you choose)
Goddess Off the Grid is an independent podcast funded by you. GOTG is an extension from my youtube videos where the algorithm preferred short-form viral-videos. On the podcast we get to DIVE DEEP into educating and unpacking the topics YOU Choose.
Goddess Off the Grid is all about unplugging from the Matrix… and there are many matrices inside of each of us:
- Financial | Spiritual | Physical | Mental | Subconscious | Psychological
- And much more
We discuss popular news stories related to relationships and society. Leveling-up, Living your BEST Life, and rewriting your subconscious script for love, abundance and success.
[fwdmsp preset_id=”GOTG_PLAYER” playlist_id=”gotg”]
I won’t ever become “beige” …
I think you should have the retreat. Of course not now but a year or two from now you should. People know what you are about and if a fool want to come out talking crazy they will be handled by the group. They will be the ones dismissed. Black women need a safe place to Vent. Please keep doing what you do. Your voice sounds great big sis. This is in reference to podcast 2: Tamar & Megan The Stallion
Lol. Thank you. As soon as things simmer, a retreat is definitely in order
Leave your comments here <3