Release Past Emotional Pain, Step into Your Power/Purpose Without Suffering a Second Longer!



  • WHAT: One-Day Immersive Experience
  • WHEN: December 14, 2024
    (12PM -8 PM)
  • WHERE: New York City
    (Midtown Near MSG)
  • WHO (See Below)


Are you hurt from past relationships? Done dirty by a men you loved? Betrayed by friends you trusted? But your ultimate heartbreak began as a child, when your parents conditioned you to accept, ignore or even seek out neglect and mistreatment from others.

You lost part of your voice, feel depleted, abandoned, alone and you’ve allowed yourself to be used/abused without speaking up for yourself.  Ignoring red flags and EWSOPS* secretly afraid of being abandoned, subconsciously hoping if you could heal that relationship (and get the person to act right & love you) that it will heal the relationship with your mother/father.

You’ve hidden yourself in self-abusing activities like food, alcohol, drugs, clutter, work, mothering at the expense of your wellness? Your negative self-talk tells you you’re not good enough, that you won’t succeed, that you’re an imposter. So you procrastinate, self-sabotage, accept less than you deserve, and put up with more than you want to.  Worst of all, you blame your SELF!

The time is NOW to love yourself fully, release past hurt, limiting beliefs & situations that don’t serve you. Stop beating yourself up for things you couldn’t control.  Practice intentional self-care (without feeling selfish for putting your needs first). Take a step towards living your purpose, making friends, finding sisterhood. Heal into the greatest version of yourself!

  • You have big dreams, but you procrastinate, self-sabotage from self-doubt &  limiting beliefs

  • You’re hurt from past betrayals and want to erase the pain & forgive yourself for poor choices.

  • Your negative self-talk discourages you & old habits creep back in.

  • You want to walk away from situations that don’t serve you, release the hurt & be free.

  • You know you can’t change others, you’re ready to change your SELF.

New Self is a one-day immersive experience using the power of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Self–Theory to Reveal / Rewrite / Reprogram into your New SELF

  • Hypnotherapy*
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming**
  • Self-Theory Lesson***
  • Meditation
  • Guided Imagery
  • Sound Therapy****
  • Sisterhood
  • Trivia & Fun Activities
  • Games & Prizes

*Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis, guided imagery and relaxation to assist you on rewriting your subconscious programming. You can only be programmed to do what you want to do. And we all go in & out of hypnosis on long drives, during bouts of concentration, even when we have emotion while watching a movie

**Nuero-Linguistic Programming: NLP uses words and visualization techniques to help you change your behavior for good

***Self-Theory: A field of psychology which challenges our ideas of our “self.” And how this idea of self come to be. It is a critical examination of our self perception and the idea of a “static-self.”

**** Sound Therapy: Also known as Sound Healing, or Sound Baths, uses special frequencies to affect the cells of our bodies. Our bodies are made up of 80% water, as such certain hertz and frequencies can be use to vibrate our cells at certain resonances. Also, sound has been used for thousands of years in Eastern Medicine to help reach deeper levels of meditation.

Why You, Why Me…Why Now?

Like you, I was harmed as a child before I even left my house.  Molested at the age of 7, my mother died when I was 19, and last summer (after I had a a major surgical operation with complications), my last living parent, my father, revealed that the type of  love I thought we had, was made up of  my optimism and deep desire to believe it was true.

I’ve been abused, beaten & nearly broken. I know what its like to rebuild myself while falling apart… To breathe because it kept me alive.

Now, I’m a Life Coach from an accredited institution, and realized despite being able to identify their issues, people often still struggled. I figured, if trauma can change a person in an instant, there must be something which can change people positively just as quickly. I went on a quest to find such a thing, and found Hypnotherapy.

I’m a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified NLP Practitioner, Life Coach & Youtuber with over 200K followers. This tools help me help people make lasting change in their lives

Currently, I’m a graduate student of psychology at an Ivy League institution and recovering from the operation I mentioned above.

Being unwell, and in need, revealed deficits in relationships closest to me; Under strain, plagued by thoughts and having a crisis of “The Self.” I was in angst, mental anguish, and driven further into unwellness.

One day, my professor (a clinical psychologist), mentioned theories of “The Self;” Intrigued, I began to study critical theories of the SELF, and it soon became my passion

The identifications you have with (what you think of as) your “Self” may actually keep you stuck in trauma

Is there another way to be? Can I CHOOSE what affects me by changing ME? Could it be THAT Easy?

But aren’t you who you are? Haven’t you become this person over the years through cultivation, creation and careful honing? Didn’t You DECIDE who YOU are? And aren’t YOU THAT Person? Or are you?

  • Your idea of your self is not true

  • You created this idea with faulty & pre-programmed beliefs.

  • The longer you continue to identify with this version of yourself the longer you suffer this person’s circumstances

  • You are continuing day-by-day in this person’s existence out of habit/obligation/guilt

  • If you woke up with amnesia what would the things in your home & surrounding you tell you about who you think you are?

  • Would you, continue to be the person revealed in the clues around you?

  • This is what you do everyday, you wake up & continue an old, habitual version of you

  • Its Time to step into your NEW SELF

Since I’m a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I practiced Self-Theory first on My SELF and the results were astronomical! The issues which plagued me moments before vanished, like the fog lifting off of the sun on a shiny day. Suddenly I could SEE differently, FEEL differently, THINK differently. Because I was DIFFERENT.

  • My perspective changed instantly

  • The original issue I was facing evaporated

  • Other areas of my life began to change for the better

  • I embodied my NEW SELF

The most astounding part is: It spread. Changing my Self not only addressed the issue I was originally dealing with with my father and my ex, but it spread to other parts of my life. Suddenly I was eating differently, working out with a different mindset, my habits and patterns began to change. Things that were difficult for me to do prior, were suddenly EASY. Things I procrastinated about, put off, or even dreaded, started getting done. I no longer had to FORCE myself to do certain things. I was amazed. Who am I? Is this my NEW SELF?

Why Attend New Self?










This is FOR You If:

  1. You have the humility to admit you need assistance

  2. You know you can feel better & do better and are committed to change

  3. You take this opportunity to change your life seriously & will approach it as such

  4. You can open yourself and be vulnerable in a small group setting

  5. You are seeking sisterhood, friendships & community with likeminded women

This is NOT for You If:

  1. You think you are better than people with “problems.”

  2. You are committed to your issues and want to live in pain to honor (or punish) someone else

  3. You are okay with continuing to live how you’ve been living and make a joke out of trying to change.

  4. You’re not willing to open yourself and be vulnerable in a small group.

  5. You are against building community, sisterhood & friends for life


Sista Support Group

OVER $4,100 VALUE!


Private 1-on-1 Session with Tonya Tko on Sunday

Sista Support Group

Zoom Calls After Event

OVER $10,000 VALUE!


  1. Is this just for women? Is it ok for men to attend?
    This event is open to men & women. I find that the type of men who invest in these types of events are interested in TRULY doing the Work.
  2. What is the exact address?
    It is walking distance from Madison Square Garden. (420 8th Ave, Manhattan, New York) For safety & security the exact location will only be shared with paid ticket holders.
  3. What should I bring with me?
    Yoga mat, water bottle, your favorite writing pen & journal. Sweater. Blanket. Small pillow.
  4. Will water be provided or should I bring my own bottle?
    I will provide filtered water in a refillable Brita pitcher (to cut down on plastic waste)
  5. Will there be options for allergy or food restrictions?
    At this time, I am unfortunately unable to cater, there are healthy food options in the area
  6. Is the event friendly to people with different abilities?
    It depends on the ability. For the hypnotherapy most people will be laying on the floor on their yoga mats. You may also sit in a chair. The building is equipped with an elevator and wheelchair accessible bathrooms, doors and ramps.
  7. How should I dress?
    Please wear comfortable clothes. And dress in layers in case its cold in the room. You may also bring a small light blanket to cover yourself. Shoes will be off, so socks for your feet. Just be comfy. This is the event for function and comfort over everything.
  8. Will the environment be a safe-welcoming?
    Yes, this is a safe space. We will get to know one another behind the scenes so the day of the event we are already familiar. Also, only realness will be tolerated, This is an opportunity for extreme healing and vulnerability and openness is  a must. You only share what you choose and how you choose
  9. The next phase after the healing event?
    VIP guests will have access to maintenance zoom calls after the event. General admission guests can opt in to the zooms at an additional cost.
  10. Virtual options?
    Because this is a safe & sacred space, only the people in the room are privy to what is going on in the room. With online access, it takes away from the privacy of what happens in the room. Also, because I will be performing hypnotherapy on the group in the room its important for me to monitor everyone’s depth into the hypnosis. Also, the sound baths in the room: its important to be in the room to feel the actual vibration and tones of the instruments. And finally, I will be fully concentrating on being in the present moment in the room… Which will require my full attention.
  11. How long will the session be?
    8 Hours on Saturday for VIP & General Admission
    1 Hour One-on-One on Sunday for VIP
  12. Will it be first-come-first-seen?
    This is a group event, we will all be in the room together. The VIP guests will have time slots to choose from on Sunday
  13. Will transportation be provided?
    New York is a commuter city with 24/7 transportation via metro bus, train, taxi, and also ride share is available. You are responsible for your transportation
  14. New York is expensive! How much will it cost to stay?
    Luckily we are in an amazing community of Knockouts and some are already speaking of sharing rooms. I’d say budget $500-$700 for your stay. And you are responsible for your transportation to and from NY. I personally use google flights to book plane rides. Megabus from DMV to NYC, and Peter Pan bus from upstate. Check sites like air bnb,, priceline etc. I do not endorse nor ensure any particular company for your use.
  15. Is this RSVP only? Can people show up on the day of, or last minute?
    Yes, its RSVP Only. Your tickets must be purchased in advanced as everyone must be vetted. No. You cannot buy last minute or day-of. Ticket sales will end at least 1 week before event. So if you feel Moved to attend, GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! SPACE IS LIMITED.
  16. I Can’t Afford it, What should I do?
    First, let me ask; Is it that you can’t afford it? Or are you unwilling to invest in yourself? Many of us, affected by some of what I’ve listed, above do not personally feel we are “worth it”. So we invest in our children, partners, jobs… but leave ourselves on the back burner. If so, You, more than ever, need this healing. I can create a payment plan for you where you pay in weekly installments. There are also credit cards for people with poor credit.

    If you are in dire need there are scholarships available. Please know that the scholarships come from other Knockouts who are regular people. They work, have kids and are giving back to help other women in need. There are also Knockouts sharing rooms. Because they believe in your healing. YOU MUST Believe in yourself too. Contact me.



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